Server access managed sites (shared hosting)

IMPORTANT: This article is only for shared hosting managed websites (deprecated since 31-dec-2022). All websites hosted on Closrr starting 01-jan-2023, don’t come with the limitations described below.

If you are on our (deprecated) shared hosting managed websites, you will not be able to have access to the following services:

  • Server & file system (sFTP, SSH)
  • Database (phpMyAdmin, direct SQL access)
  • Full WP Admin access (you will have most admin rights, without the possibility to install or update themes, plugins, or edit their respective files).

Why is that? As part of the fully managed service, the above access is restricted for security reasons, and will not be granted under any circumstances.

You will be able to:

  • Edit the entire website’s content (blog, pages, media, etc)

What do we do for you as part of Managed Hosting?

  • We keep the themes, plugins and WordPress Core updated
  • We apply security patches in (public) pre-release cycles, if available, or as soon as they are published
  • We keep the server patched, updated and optimized
  • We keep the database patched, updated and optimized

If the plugin is in the public WordPress repository, you may request to have it installed on your website. However, the installation is at our discretion, as we take into account the plugin’s code, last updates, overall rating, developer reputation and number of installs.

If the plugin is a premium plugin, in addition to the above criteria, we will need to download the plugin directly from the source. Meaning, you’ll need to provide direct access to the developer’s website, where we can download the plugin.

Why is that? We maintain strict controls of which code (plugins and themes) is installed on the websites. This is for the following reasons:
– Security
– Performance
– Compatibility

That’s perfect! In that case, please sign up for any of our Managed WordPress plans, and we will migrate your site. Please note, that the above-mentioned “shared hosting managed websites” is deprecated on our platform, meaning, that all new websites hosted with Closrr, don’t come with the limitations described in this article.

That’s also perfect! Just open a support ticket, and we will export the website using one of the popular plugins (WP Vivid) and share a link with the files (one .zip file with the plugins and themes and one .sql file with the database). Note: We don’t perform migrations to other hosting providers, it will be your responsibility to install the backup. Also, all plugin and theme’s licences that were provided with your managed hosting, will be removed from the backup. You will need to acquire those separately.